Ubamarket client videos
W e created a fun video for Ubamarket promoting their rather timely shopping app. The white-label app re-orders shopping lists and then guides the shopper around the supermarket to each item and also allows them to pay through the app and skip the queues. We just finished up a rebranded version for Spar.
Iron Elijah versus the virus
This is a side project. My oldest son loves Iron Man and we’ve been planning to make a video for a good while now. The lockdown has afforded us the time to finally get around to it. One of the things we struggled with was the story. Kids pick up on stress and have thus been quite aware of the Coronavirus and although it’s a good idea to limit their exposure to news, we decided to base the video around him finding and killing the virus. It seemed to make him happy and gave him a feeling of control so I went with it.
The video will be about a minute long and sees Elijah put on an Iron Man helmet and scan the library for COVID-19 in order to blast it
Contact Partners
We’re working on an animated video for Contact Partners. They also wanted to use some of the video content and the style to add a little bit of an artsy/illustrated look to their brand. So, I was tasked with creating some illustrations for use on their website.
As well as the above, I’m always working on super-secret videos for clients to use internally within their businesses and various other little personal projects. If you want to add to our workload, you’re very welcome! Fill out the form below and I’ll get back to you ASAP.