We’ve worked on a few Honeydew Health projects over the last eight years from short animated explainer cartoons to holiday messages. This new animation was produced to promote a new software platform called ‘Resolve – occupational health made easy’.
Resolve Ninja
Meet Resolve, your new agile occupational health case manager…
In past videos, Honeydew Health have used animated characters to promote their services. In our last two cartoons for Honeydew (Honeydew Health & A Tale of Two Annies) we used their wild west based characters. This time around, they wanted to add a Ninja to the fold. Where wild west characters represented various kinds of ‘skivers’, the Ninja is there to represent speed, agility and security. Previous renditions of the character included a female ninja and a posh Brit.
The idea behind the product is to provide a bidding platform where employers could find health providers to treat their employees.

Lost Marble
Lost Marble is an animated explainer video company. We hire scriptwriters, voice-over talents and whoever else as needed. We’ve been creating animated video content since 2004 for businesses of all sizes. We put our superpowers to good use by utilising the Adobe Creative Cloud apps and by fuelling ourselves with an abundance of caffeine.
If you’d like us to create an animated explainer video for you, please fill in the form below and we’ll get back to you ASAP.