A lthough, for the most part, things are as busy as ever for me I have had a slightly more relaxed schedule. While many are happy to take large chunks of time off, I’m not someone who can stop and sit still. If I don’t have a project, I’ll walk around the house cleaning or rearranging things for no good reason. In between walks in the local wilderness and lego sessions with the kids, I’ve found time to draw and bake. I’ve tried working on a couple of personal animation projects but I find every time I sit down to make something, my attention is redirected by a client email, admin tasks or updating software.
Art is an amazing way of chilling out after a frantic day in the office and a good distraction from the zombie apocalypse (COVID). I’ve drawn cartoons or whacky random stuff for as long as I can remember but sometimes, I just can’t be bothered to think of what I want to draw. Or if I do have an idea, I have a hundred ideas all at once and can’t decide which one to go with. So recently, I joined a group of folks I know on WhatsApp who are setting art challenges every few weeks. It’s a little more challenging in that it sets me tasks I would never have chosen myself…like sketching a horse.
I find that baking is my most effective way of escaping technology. When you work all day on screens and spend far too much time in the digital world, some good old fashioned baking resets the balance. I’m a regular baker so I make a lot of our bread, usually sourdough loaves and baguettes. Though, now and then I’ll knock up some croissants or pain au chocolats.
Need a video?
If you want to rescue me from relaxing pastimes, fill out the form and tell me what you need. I’ll get back to you in less than 24 hours (usually just a few).
The more specific you are with your request, the more accurate a quote I can give you. Ideally, I need to know how long you think the video should be and what style of animation you have in mind. And don’t worry if you’re unsure, I’m happy to provide some advice and guidance.
Stay safe!