I n July of 2021, we created an animated explainer video for Happiness Lab. Happiness Lab is run by a fantastically nice fella named David Bellamy who couldn’t be easier to work with. We produced a colourful animated video to promote their business and to give their clients a feeling of the benefits that Happiness Lab offer. Shortly after, David informed me that they were changing their name and logo and asked me to rebrand the old explainer. Then he had a great idea for a short video: the Happiness Lab logo would morph like a caterpillar into a butterfly. This was pretty much a perfect idea as they were rebranding but also because the new icon already looks like a butterfly.
Although happiness is very much tied in with what they do, they’re much more about listening. The new brand name, Harkn helps to shift the focus to the right place.
Harkn (derived from hearken or harken – to listen attentively) gives employees a voice, fosters community and connection, builds emotional awareness, and monitors employee wellbeing. An internal social platform, it has been designed to help improve the culture, wellbeing and experience of your employees. This starts with improving understanding.
”That's AWESOME!!! Another great job.
David BellamyHappiness Lab - Founder and CEO