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W e’ve just started a new series for Harkn. It will run for 6 or 7 videos and will cover a number of topics from how Harkn works to user experiences and case studies. The first one is embedded above and looks at the story of a user who was struggling with their wellbeing and used Hark to reach out and eventually get the help they needed. Harkn allows employees in a business to speak anonymously through a daily check-in routine and ‘The Wall’. The video presents a real life exchange that allowed the people within the company to assist someone in need and point them in the right direction to seek help. Harkn is one of those services that makes you wonder why every company on the planet doesn’t use it. It works and does so exceptionally well.

Harkn (derived from hearken or harken – to listen attentively) gives employees a voice, fosters community and connection, builds emotional awareness, and monitors employee wellbeing. An internal social platform, it has been designed to help improve the culture, wellbeing and experience of your employees. This starts with improving understanding.

We got the WOW reaction I was looking for!

David BellamyHarkn Founder & CEO







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