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T his is the second animated case study video in a series of six that we’re producing for Harkn. The videos will cover a number of topics such as how Harkn works and user experiences. The embedded video above is, once again, based on a true story and shows how a company was unknowingly pushing their employees too far and putting them under extreme pressure.  Harkn allows employees in a business to speak anonymously through a daily check-in routine and ‘The Wall’. The video presents a real life experience where the people employed within the company were given a voice. This allowed someone in a position of authority to recognise the issue and very quickly respond and adapt. Harkn is an extremely valuable tool to any business with a large number of employees and in my personal opinion, should be considered a necessity…and like the case study shows, it pays for itself.

Harkn (derived from hearken or harken – to listen attentively) gives employees a voice, fosters community and connection, builds emotional awareness, and monitors employee wellbeing.

An internal social platform, it has been designed to help improve the culture, wellbeing and experience of your employees. This starts with improving understanding.

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