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What video represents is the chance—if you invest in it—to tell your story in a way that sticks.

-Seth Godin

Video benefits

  • A video is 50x more likely to show up on page 1 of google search results than text based web pages. (ReelSEO, Forrester)
  • Part of Google’s algorithm for search rankings considers the amount of time visitors stay on your website, which is one reason online video is seeing explosive growth.
  • The average explainer video is watched on average for about 2.7 minutes, compared with 28% of website text shown to be read on average. (Statisticbrain)
  • Visitors continue navigating your website for an average extra 2 minutes after viewing a video (Diode Digital)
  • Buyers and sellers can typically visit an average of nearly 5 websites before deciding which product to purchase. When you add video to your website, this number decreases to less than 2 (AgentImage)
  • 18 Million Words – The value of 60 seconds of video, or the equivalent of 3,600 average webpages. (SMK)
  • 100 Million – The number of people watching at least one online video each day
  • 64% – How much more likely website visitors are to buy a product on an online retail site after watching a video
  • 60% of users watch video content before reading text on the same page (Diode Digital)
  • Video constitutes 50% of all mobile online traffic and over 90% of internet traffic (Diode Digital)
  • 20% of people share videos on their cell phone and 41% watch videos on their cell phone (Pew Center)
  • 72% of people watch YouTube or Vimeo Videos (Pew Center)
  • 90% of information transmitted to the brain is visual, and visuals are processed 60,000X faster in the brain than text. (3M Corporation)
  • Photos are liked 2x more than text updates, while videos are shared 12x times more than links and text posts combined (SproutSocial)
  • Not only do videos provide a 74% increase in your visitors’ understanding of your product or service compared to pictures, but they also increase the likelihood of your visitors purchasing your product or service by 64%. (Quicksprout)

Would you like an animated video to help boost your business? Fill in the form below and we’ll be in touch within 24 hours (usually a lot less). And while you’re waiting for a reply, check out this page that will tell you everything you need to know about explainer videos.

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